février 24, 2015

How to Make a Maltipoo puppy Grooming

How to Make a Maltipoo puppy groom

Maltipoo puppies are a mixture of the two races - the Maltese and Poodle. Normally crossed with a toy or miniature poodle, the resulting dogs tend to weigh less than 10 kg. Maltese dogs are known for their long, straight coat, while poodles are famous curly. A maltipoo jacket may therefore vary from straight to wavy curly. The texture can vary from rough to smooth, but a silky, wavy hair is the most common for this breed. Maintaining appearance of your maltipoo puppies is simple but requires commitment. Proper care affects health and happiness of your puppy.


1. Cut the nails of your maltipoo least once a month, developed with a clipper for pets. Long nails a hazard. Not only for you and other people, but also to your maltipoo attitude Gently stroke your dog paw before trimming to calm it. Clip the nail to the desired length, keep away from the fast, the dog's paw is attached.

2. Bathe your Maltipoo dogs using a dog shampoo, according to the shampoo manufacturer’s directions. Carefully remove any dirt or sediment within the dog’s ears with a soapy washcloth. Rinse off the soap with warm water.

3. Comb each day of your maltipoo coat. For puppies with wavy or curly coat, brushing prevents matting. Gently stroke her fur, where to train them pull too hard without knots. Always clean maltipoo before bathing to keep tangles from suit in the water.

4. Trim the hair between the toes of your maltipoo with scissors. Spread the toes slightly apart and carefully own hair with his paws. This prevents dirt, snow, ice and other debris from collecting and hardening between the toes of your dog.

5. Clip Ihres maltipoo Mantel bis auf 4.3 oder 1 Zoll. Halten Sie das Fell auf der Rückseite und Ohren mehr und Clip die Gesichtsfell nach Ihren Wünschen. Eine noch um das Gesicht geschnitten ist üblich, aber mehr Fell um den Mund ist eine weitere Option.

6. Bathe maltipoo monthly to keep your on the coat and skin healthy. After a thorough brushing your teeth, put your puppy in the tub and put cotton in his ears only to protect against the excess water. Wet the dog's body completely and lather with a mild shampoo pet. Rinse the shampoo with conditioner and follow if your puppy coat is coarse. Blow-dry after bathing.

Tips and Warnings

  • Take your maltipoo to a professional groomer for the first trimming and then hold them on your own.
  • Take your dog to a professional groomer if you are not sure how they circumcise their nails, such as severe bleeding may from cutting the quick lead.
  • Leaving any shampoo or conditioner residue can cause skin irritation in Maltipoos.
  • Use only designed a dryer for animals after bathing as the heat from your own hair dryer is too hot and can dry out the skin of your dog.


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